The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition

Nach längerer Zeit ist ein bedeutendes Permakultur Buch wieder neu aufgelegt worden.

In dem umfassenden Buch (englisch sprachig) geht es um Fermentation und menschliche Ernährung. Einer meiner Freunde hat dieses Buch seit längerem und hat es mir sehr ans Herz gelegt. Der hohe Preis für ein gebrauchtes Exemplar in Höhe von ca. 300 Euro hat mich dann doch abgeschreckt. jetzt gibt es die Neuauflage für ca. 50 Euro plus ca. 50 Euro Frachtkosten. Dies ist natürlich sehr hoch, der Weg von Australien ist aber auch weit. Mal sehen wer noch Interesse hat, eine Sammelbestellung dürfte sich lohnen.

Der original Text vom australischen Verlag:

The wait is over – The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition by
Bill Mollison is now available for you to purchase!

This book has been out of stock for a few years and has become a much sort
after publication. Ferment and Human Nutrition is back with a brand new
look, updated content, photos, illustrations and interior. If you missed out
on an older version of this remarkable book then this is your chance to own
a copy.

Written by Bill Mollison, it explores the traditional ways of storing,
preserving and increasing the nutritional value of foods. Ferment and Human
Nutrition contains valuable information and has been collected by Bill on
his travels and through vast researching of cultures. The book is compiled
into 14 Chapters that covers subjects such as Meats, Dairy, Fermentation,
Vegetables, Fish Products, Brewing, Fruits and many useful facts on
preparing your life to be simple but effective.

This book will not only be a great addition to your kitchen but to your
household. The information is priceless but yet comes from the most basic of
beginnings – before refrigeration and often from the folklore of the
traditional peoples of this world. It is a pleasure to read and will inspire
you to return back to the uncomplicated routines of food preparation,
storing and preserving.

You can view and buy this book via our website  <> , by phone or by email.

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Be aware our sales desk closes for Christmas break, Wednesday 14th December
2011 until Monday 9th January 2012.

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